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4 Techniques to Manage Stress as a Caregiver

Being a caregiver is challenging, and managing stress is crucial for managing burnout and other health concerns.

Self-care and stress management techniques are essential but often neglected.

Here are 5 techniques to help caregivers manage stress and emotional burdens.


1 Find Your Sleep style
  • Find your ideal sleep number for you and stick to it. Understanding how much sleep you need to be productive and awake during the day will help you manage your day and be more energetic. The average is 7-9 hours per night.
  • Determine if you are an early bird or a night owl. Understanding this will help you better manage your time by completing the most mentally taxing tasks during your peak hours (morning for early birds and evening for night owls).
2 Hack the Healthy Habits

Regular physical activity and balanced meals can help improve your mood and boost your energy. To fit healthy eating and exercise into your busy schedule, try these 3 "healthy hacks".

  • Park further away in parking lots, and take the stairs instead of an elevator or escalator.
  • Take a 15-minute walk around lunchtime to avoid afternoon drowsiness.
  • Try to plan your meals ahead of time, and keep nutritious snacks with you throughout the day.
3 Try Transparency Teamwork

It can be difficult to ask for help, but it is important to acknowledge when you feel overwhelmed and communicate the support you need with clear expectations.

  • Aim to divvy up responsibilities based on previous experience and personal strengths. Teamwork is more successful and enjoyable when people have clear expectations and are confident in their ability to complete the tasks.
  • Consider outsourcing certain tasks like grocery shopping, landscaping, transportation, and the like to take the burden off of you.
4 Optimize Your Time
  • Know when you are the most productive and when things need to be completed to help you prioritize tasks.
  • Keep a schedule to help you manage your time. Make a list of what you want to accomplish each month and break those tasks down by day or week.
  • Set aside some time each day that is devoted to you. Use this time to relax and do something for you, only if for a few minutes.

Being a caregiver is arguably one of the most demanding jobs, so keep up the good work and remember to be kind to yourself. If you are in distress or having difficulty managing your daily life, speak to your HR team or EAP.