Stressful work
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MAY 2023


To better understand the role of stress in your own life and deal with it appropriately, it can be helpful to recognize where stress comes from and identify how it manifests for you.

Where does stress come from

Humans have natural, protective survival instincts, which include the stress response. When sensing danger, our bodies release hormones that allow for immediate action. The stress response - fight, flight, or freeze enables us to escape danger and survive in threatening situations.

Think about the following ‘day-to-day’ situations that can cause stress:

  • job promotions
  • major events/ parties
  • planning a vacation
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  • deadlines at work
  • family illness
  • financial concerns

Notice that the left column lists situations that are commonly viewed as positive, yet they can add pressure to your life as you make plans, manage priorities, and regulate your expectations and emotions. It is the amount of pressure you feel, your body’s reaction, and your ability to cope that determines how you handle these stressors.

If not dealt with, stress can wreak havoc on your body and mind. Therefore, it is very important to address stress proactively and aggressively. Check out the following list of ways that stress can be addressed and managed.

How can I better manage my stress

Healthy lifestyle habits provide an important foundation for your body and mind to deal with stress. Examples include:

  • Eating healthy
  • Exercising regularly
  • Getting quality sleep
  • Seeing your primary care physician for check-ups
  • Mindfulness/meditation activities
  • Deep breathing exercises to reset your brain when overwhelmed

Time management allows for a sense of self-control and autonomy and reduces the effect of potential stressors. Some time-management strategies include:

  • Using a calendar to plan your day out
  • Setting built-in breaks to hydrate, stretch or rest your eyes
  • Writing down your to-dos for the day in order of importance

Setting boundaries can help you protect yourself from being in stressful situations, and improve self-regulation when you do become stressed.

  • Eliminate triggers when possible
  • Learn to say NO!
  • Set your priorities and limits with co-workers & loved ones