Health Savings Accounts (HSAs)

Savings for today and tomorrow

Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) help you care for your health and your wealth.

From tax savings today to retirement money in the future, take a look at all the ways a Health Savings Account (HSA) can help you make the most of your money!

Happy saving!

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1: Getting started

HDHP with HSA: a magical

combination (1:27)

2: Saving for today

Stretch your dollars with immediate

tax savings (1:01)

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Drawn Right Arrow

3: Smart spending

Deciding when to spend

and when to save (1:03)

4: Plan for the future

Consider your needs in

retirement (1:04)

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Drawn Right Arrow

5: A comparison

HSA vs. 401(k) vs. 403(b) - what

it all means (1:50)

6: Let it grow

Tax-free interest and investment

growth (0:55)


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Drawn Right Arrow

7: In Retirement

Using your HSA once you

retire (0:55)

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